Combine Monitor Selection

Home:  New TaskAC, Combine ResultsCombine ResultsSelect Monitors

Navigation Tree: Tasks<Task Name>PropertiesCombine ResultsSelect Monitors

This dialog allows the configuration of a custom list of monitors which are only considered in the combine results operation.

Excluded Monitors

This list contains all monitors which are not considered in the combine results operation.

Filter drop-down list: Filters the monitor list according to the selected monitor type. Press enter to apply the custom filter.

Combined Monitors

This list  contains all monitors which are included in the combine results operation.

Filter drop-down list: Filters the monitor list according to the selected monitor type. Press enter to apply the custom filter.


Moves the selected monitors from the excluded monitors list to the combined monitors list. Double-clicking on a single list item will move this item into the combined monitors list.


Moves the selected monitors from the combined monitors list to the excluded monitors list. Double-clicking on a single list item will move this item into the excluded monitors list.


Moves all monitors into the combined monitors list.


Moves all monitors into the excluded monitors list


Updates the monitor selection and closes the dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Combine Calculation Results