Parts Library

The Parts Library includes electrical models for passive, linear devices. The advantage of the Parts Library is that an electrical model for a certain device type ( = part) only needs to be defined once. All instances of this part can refer to its model definition and there is no need to model each device several times. The Parts Library is stored inside Navigation Tree: Technology Parts Library as shown in the figure below:


Edit: Edit LayoutPart Library

The Part Library dialog box is divided into two columns. On the left side all existing pats (stored and visualized in the Navigation Tree: Part Library) are listed. Selecting a certain part displays its corresponding definition at the right column side.




Name: A part must have an unique name


Part type: Three passive types of devices and a type for an undefined device are available:


Model type: A passive device can be assigned three different types of models (for more information see Passive First Order Modeling):


Part Description:   Opens a text field where the user can describe the part in more detail.


Default Values: Overwrites the existing values fields with the default values of the corresponding part.


Impedance Z(f) preview: Displays the frequency dependent impedance curve of the corresponding part.


The tool bar at the top of the dialog box (see figure below) shows the following features:



Create new part

Opens a dialog box to create a new part(see figure below). The usage of the dialog is identical to the description above.



Duplicate existing part  

Duplicates the selected part.


Import Parts

There are four different kind of part information data which can be interpreted:

The imported new parts will be added to the existing parts.


Export parts

On the left column side there is the list of all available part definitions. All parts which should be exported have to be tagged as shown in the figure below. On the right side, the definition of the currently selected part is shown (and can still be edited). The ASCII file where the part definitions should be exported has to be specified inside the Library file field. The parts will be exported in a specific internal file format, CST Component Part Library File (*.ppt_lib).




Delete selected part  

Pressing the Delete button deletes the part.