Particle Source (TRK) - Field Emissson

Simulation: Sources and LoadsParticle SourcesParticle Source on PECField-inducedEdit
Simulation: Sources and LoadsParticle SourcesParticle Source on any SurfaceField-inducedEdit
Simulation: Sources and LoadsParticle SourcesParticle Point SourceField-inducedEdit
Simulation: Sources and LoadsParticle SourcesParticle Circular SourceField-inducedEdit

The parameters for the field emission model can be changed within this dialog box. A detailed model description can be got from the particle emission model overview page.


Kinetic settings

Kinetic type
Select the kinetic type for further emission properties such as the Kinetic Value (see also
Kinetic Particle Settings):
elocity, Beta, Gamma, Normed Momentum, Energy, Temperature

Select if the kinetic settings should be Maxwellian or uniformly distributed.

Kinetic value
The kinetic start  value of the emitted particles. See also the Kinetic Particle Settings page.

Kinetic spread
The energy spread (from 0 to 200 percent) offers the possibility to specify a randomly calculated emission energy. The kinetic emission type (e.g. energy, momentum) is calculated uniformly distributed in the range of:

Angle spread
Determines the maximal deviation between the particle's start angle and the plane's normal. The emitting angle is randomly chosen within the range between 0 and the given start angle limit. See also the Kinetic Particle Settings

The temperature is used to specify the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.

Distribution bins
pecifies the number of different temperature levels within the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.

Field-induced emission

Calculate constant

Determines the material constant depending on the solid state parameters.

Linear factor

Specifies  the linear factor of the field-induced emission formulae.

Exponential factor

Specifies the exponential factor of the field-induced emission formulae.


Confirms the changes and closes the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Particle Source Definitions, Particle Emission Model Overview, Kinetic Particle Settings