PIC Source - Explosive Emission Properties

Simulation: Sources and LoadsParticle SourcesParticle Source on PECExplosiveEdit
Simulation: Sources and LoadsParticle SourcesParticle Source on any SurfaceExplosiveEdit
Simulation: Sources and LoadsParticle SourcesParticle Point SourceExplosiveEdit
Simulation: Sources and LoadsParticle SourcesParticle Circular SourceExplosiveEdit

The explosive emission parameters for a charged particle beam can be specified within this dialog box.


The emission energy of the particles is calculated from the electric field close to the cathode. In some cases the particles are accelerated due to additional physical effects, for example when a cathode is heated. To consider these effects, it is possible to define additional kinetic settings. The total emission energy is the sum of both independent energies.


Additional kinetic settings

In this section, the kinetic emission settings can be entered. For further details open the Kinetic Particle Settings page.

Explosive emission settings

In this section, the explosive emission settings can be entered. For further details open the Particle Source Emission Model Overview page.

Rise time
To avoid discontinuities the emission process increases smoothly within the time period of the rise time.

Threshold field
The emission will start if the electric field close to the cathode is greater than the threshold field.

Residual field
The emitted charge reduces the electric field close to the cathode to the residual field strength. The default value is zero.


Accepts the changes and closes the dialog box.


Closes the dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Define Particle Sources, Particle Source Emission Model Overview, Kinetic Particle Settings