Impedance and Calibration Line

Simulation: Sources and Loads Waveguide Port Define Lines... Add...

Impedance, calibration and polarization lines are currently only available for models with tetrahedral mesh representations.

Mode number

Set the number of the mode here.

Line number

Set the number of the line here.

Line creation pick mode frame

Reverse orientation: Toggle orientation of the line creation mode.

Start/Destination  and destination/start point: The line is created by picking one start point and one endpoint

Start/Destination point and face: The line is created by picking one start point and a face.

Start/Destination point and boundary: The line is created by selecting a boundary from the Boundary drop down list and by picking the start/destination point.

Boundary: This drop down list is only activated if the line creation pick mode is set to Start/Destination point and boundary. Select here the appropriate boundary as start location for the line


Stores the settings and closes this dialog. You are requested to define a line either by numerical input or by using the pick tools. If the line is created successfully the settings are added to the Mode / Impedance / Calibration / Polarization table in the Mode Impedance and Calibration dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Mode Impedance and Calibration, Waveguide Port, Waveguide Port Overview