This dialog box allows to define parameters for the radial distribution functions of circular particle sources.
Since the total amount of emitted charge is not changed when using a distribution function, the following constraint appears:
Rout : outer radius of the Circular Particle Source Rin : inner radius of the Circular Particle Source f(r) : radial distribution function |
This equation is used to scale the distribution function. This means that the scaling factor cscale will be computed automatically.
Equation Display
This window shows the equation of the radial function and it's parameters.
Parameter Boxes
The parameter boxes can be used to define the important values of the radial functions.
The meaning of the parameters depends on the previously selected function type:
Offset: Function value: at r =0: coff.
Sigma: Standard deviation sigma
The scaling value cscale for the gaussian part of the distribution function is calculated automatically.
Note: If the function offsetat r=0 is set to one the scaling value will be zero and therefore a constant distribution is taken.
Offset: Function value: at r =0: coff.
Order: Polynomial degree n
The scaling value cscale for the polynomial part of the distribution function is calculated automatically:
Note: If the function offset at r=0 is set to one the scaling value will be zero and therefore a constant distribution is taken.
Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.
Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.
Shows this help text.
See also