Modifying excitation signals
Copy: Copies a 1D result curve to the clipboard. Delete: Deletes an excitation function. If the deleted function was defined as reference, another signal is automatically chosen as reference. Rename: Renames the selected excitation function. Use as Reference: Select the chosen excitation signal as stimulating excitation. Add to Signal Library: Exports the selected excitation signal to the signal library. If the name of the signal already exists inside the library, another name is automatically generated or the name can be changed manually. |
Tree Appearance
The example tree shows some excitation signals, where the "default" signal is defined as reference. One of the signals is userdefined. Executing the Main program of the VBA-macro (which is generated automatically when the signal is edited the first time) inserts an additional branch in the tree with the plot of the userdefined signal (userdefined_plot). |
See also
Navigation Tree Overview, Excitation Signal, Excitation Functions