1D Plot Properties

1D Plot: Plot PropertiesProperties

In this dialog you can modify the view of the 1D plot concerning for example the plot range, the tick distribution or the font type. Default settings can be reset by activating the Auto scale or Auto tick functionality.

X-Axis frame / Y-Axis frame

Min: Enter your desired plot range minimum here. This entry is only active if the field Auto scale is unchecked.

Max: Enter your desired plot range maximum here. This entry is only active if the field Auto scale is unchecked.

Tick: Enter your desired tick range here. This entry is only active if the field Auto tick is unchecked.

Auto scale: Deselect this field to change the default plot range settings Min and Max. If this field is checked, the plot will always be scaled to the maximum range.

Round: Use this check button to round the values for the axis markers. This option is only available if Auto scale is activated.

Auto tick: If this field is checked, the plot ticks are chosen automatically as round values. Otherwise the tick range defined in the Tick field is applied to the plot.

Logarithmic: Choose this option to obtain a logarithmic axis. The Tick field will then be arbitrary.


For Phase Plots only:

Wrap phase: Use this check button to display the y-axis of phase data in a range from -180 to 180 degrees.

For dB Plots only:

Use fixed range: The y-axis is scaled using the global default values (which might be set via Set Default...) instead of Auto scale or user defined ranges. This change is applied to all 1D dB Plots.

Set Default ...: Asks for the global default values for y-axis scaling of 1D dB Plots. This is stored per user.

Font ...

This button allows you to change the font and its style or size.

Curve Style ...

This button opens the curve style dialog.


Accepts the current settings and closes the dialog box.


Accepts the current settings without closing the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Curve Style, 1D Plot Overview