List of Selected Faces

Modeling: Picks Pick Lists Selected Faces

This dialog box gives you an overview over the bounding box coordinates of all currently selected areas from your model. The list box shows the bounding box coordinates of all selected areas in the global coordinate system.

As soon as you select a face from the list, it will also be highlighted in the main view by dimming all other faces. You can select a range of faces by holding the left mouse button pressed while dragging the mouse down the list. Furthermore you may also select or deselect multiple faces by holding the Ctrl-key pressed while clicking at the corresponding lines in the list box.

Center point

With this operation you may replace the area which is currently selected in the list box by it’s center point. The center point will then be treated just like a picked point. This operation is only active when an area is selected in the list box.


This operation allows you to delete all faces currently selected in the list box. This operation is only active when at least one face is selected.


This operation allows you to deselect all faces in the list box. This operation is only active when at least one face is selected.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Pick Points, Edges or Faces Overview.