View Options - Line Width

View: OptionsView OptionsLine Width

General slider

Use the slider to change the width of the lines in the wire frame mode.

Shape outline slider

Changes the width of the surfaces’ outline.

Picked edge slider

Varies the size of the selected edges.

Axes slider

Line width of the coordinate system.

Bounding box slider

Line width of the calculation domain’s bounding box.


Resets all settings to their default values.


Takes the current settings, refreshes the plot window and closes the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Takes the current settings and refreshes the plot window. Use this button to test different settings. The old settings will be restored if you leave the dialog box by using the Cancel button.


Shows this help text.

See also

View Changing Options Overview, Pick Edge Mode

View Options: General, Colors, Specials , Illumination , Shape Accuracy