View Options - Colors
View: Options View Options - Colors
Choose colors for various elements.
Background frame
First color:
The first color for the gradient background.
Second color:
The solid background color or the second color for the gradient background.
Gradient background:
Show the main view with a gradient color from first background color to
the second background color.
Faces frame
Faces: The
face color of surface bodies.
faces: The color of waveguide ports and discrete ports.
Inner surface:
The color of the shape's inner surfaces.
Use shape color:
Use the same color for inner and outer surfaces.
Rubberband / Axes frame
Inverted lines:
The current color below the rubberband or axes gets inverted for the rubberband/axes
Axes: The
color of coordinates system axes (the local and the global one), if Multicolored WCS axes is disabled (see View
Options - General).
Rubberbands: The
color of the rubberband preview during shape construction.
Hexahedral mesh
Used to visualize errors in the hexahedral mesh, which will lead to an
abort of the solver run. (e.g. Watertight errors, Mesher errors)
Informations: Used
to visualize informations concerning the hexahedral mesh. (e.g. Staircase
based cells, Electrical connectivity)
Lines frame
Working plane:
Working plane color.
Mesh lines:
Mesh lines color.
Wires: Wire
Curve color.
Voltage color.
Current color.
Bounding box:
Bounding box color.
Pick mode frame
The color of the valid choices in a pick
mode .
The color of the selections made in a pick
mode .
Preview frame
First color:
The first preview color, used to draw e.g. preview shapes.
Second color:
The second preview color, used for drawing helping graphics, black is
a good choice.
Color ramp...
Open the color
ramp dialog.
Takes the current settings, refreshes the plot
window and closes the dialog box.
Closes this dialog box without performing any
further action.
Takes the current settings and refreshes the
plot window. Use this button to try out different settings. The old settings
will be restored if you leave the dialog box by using the Cancel
Shows this help text.
See also
View Options: General, Specials , Shape
Accuracy , Line
Width, Illumination,
Color Ramp

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