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View Options - Illumination

View: Options View Options - Illumination

OpenGL is used for 3D plots. To make a scene appear to be 3D you have to define virtual light sources. One direct light source is virtually positioned in front of your screen. Additionally there is ambient light, which seems to come from all directions, thus it lights up all parts of your plot.

In this dialog box you can vary the amount of ambient light.

You may also set the surface reflectivity here. This will influence how much direct light will be directly reflected by the plot’s objects.

Ambient light intensity slider

Use this slider to vary the ambient lighting affecting unlit surfaces.

Surface reflectivity slider

With this slider you can vary the surface reflectivity.


Resets the illumination settings to the default value.


Takes the current settings, refreshes the plot window and closes the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Takes the current settings and refreshes the plot window. Use this button to try out different settings. The old settings will be restored if you leave the dialog box by using the Cancel button.


Shows this help text.

See also

View Options: General, Colors, Specials, Shape Accuracy, Line Width

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