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Post Processing: ExchangeImport/ExportExportTOUCHSTONE

This dialog box offers TOUCHSTONE file compatible export for the S-parameters. The extensions of the exported files names are specified by ”.sNp” where N stands for the number of ports in your model (e.g. ”.s3p”). The S-Parameter in the resulting TOUCHSTONE file will correspond to the systems port modes in ascending order. For an example with two ports, where the first port (named port 1) has 2 modes and the other port (named port 3) and has one mode, this would mean: 1(1), 1(2), 3(1).

The TOUCHSTONE export requires the following:

All S-parameters (the full S-matrix) must be calculated. If, for a loss-free two port structure, not all S-parameters are available, the export option will try to derive the missing results from the existing ones by using some analytic matrix properties. For arbitrary examples it is possible to export an incomplete S-matrix by excluding all ports that were not excited.

The TOUCHSTONE file contains a fixed reference impedance. During the export process, usually the S-parameters will be automatically normalized to this impedance, if necessary. In some rare cases, it may also be useful to export the S-parameters as they are (without renormalizing), but nevertheless specifying a reference impedance in the TOUCHSTONE file.

In addition, you can narrow the frequency range exported to the TOUCHSTONE file to the range of interest. This reduces the size of the exported file and thus helps to save disk space.


You need to enter the reference impedance for the TOUCHSTONE file into this field.

Renorm S-parameter

If this option is checked, the S-parameters will be automatically renormalized to the specified reference impedance during the export process.

Use calculated  frequency range and sampling

If activated, the full frequency range and the original sampling of the S-parameter data is exported to the TOUCHSTONE file. If not activated, the Export Frequency Range dialog box is opened enabling you to narrow the frequency range or change  the sampling of the exported data.

Use AR-Filter results

Export the S-parameter results provided by the AR-Filter analysis. This option is only visible if there are any AR-filter results.


Exports your current S-matrix to a TOUCHSTONE file.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Export Frequency Range

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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