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Export Agilent ADS Component

Post Processing: ExchangeImport/ExportExportAgilent ADS Component

This dialog box offers an option to create a component for use in the Agilent ADS庐 schematic view based on the current project. Before using this export functionality, you need to add a corresponding "ADS Component Export" 1D result template to your postprocessing chain. After this template is defined, all subsequent S-parameter results will be stored in a file together with the project (extension ".mdf"). This file format supports parameters such that data for various parameter combinations can be stored together.


If the data file is available, this dialog box allows you to create a parametric Agilent ADS庐 component accessing these previously computed data sets. Interpolation and extrapolation within the parameter space is then supported by Agilent ADS庐.


The library is available for use within Agilent ADS庐 as a design kit. After the design kit is installed, the library based on CST MICROWAVE STUDIO models will be accessible through the Agilent ADS庐 library browser. All exported component data will be stored in the design kit folders. (see Agilent ADS庐 Co-Simulation for more information)


There are a few rules and limitations that must be considered when using the Agilent ADS庐 component export:

  1. The ports must be numbered subsequently. This means that a port numbering of 1, 2, 3, ..., N will be fine, but there must not be any ports numbers missing in between (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4 is valid, but 1, 3, 5 is invalid).

  2. All S-parameters (the full S-matrix) must be calculated.

  3. Currently only up to six ports (including multiple port modes) are supported.

  4. Currently only up to nine varying parameters are supported. Parameters depending on other parameters are not counted as well as parameters that are not varied within the current result data file.

Component description

Sets the description text of the Agilent ADS庐 schematic component. This text will be used when the component is created the next time and will become visible in the Agilent ADS庐 library browser.

Parameter types

This list allows you to specify the type of each varying parameters. This information is required to correctly consider different unit settings in CST MICROWAVE STUDIO and Agilent ADS庐. After the type of the parameter is known, the actual values are scaled accordingly. The following types are supported:



The parameter is an arbitrary string (no scaling)


The parameter does not have a unit (no scaling)


The parameter is related to a frequency (scaling by frequency units)


The parameter is related to a resistance (scaling by resistance units)


The parameter is related to a conductance (scaling by conductance units)


The parameter is related to a inductance (scaling by inductance units)


The parameter is related to a capacitance (scaling by capacitance units)


The parameter is related to a length (scaling by length units)


The parameter is related to a time (scaling by time units)


The parameter is related to an angle (scaling by angular units)


The parameter is related to a power (scaling by power units)


The parameter is related to a voltage (scaling by voltage units)


The parameter is related to a current (scaling by current units)


The parameter is related to a distance (scaling by distance units)


The parameter is related to a temperature (scaling by temperature units)


The parameter is related to a dB value (no scaling)


Please note that parameters depending on other parameters, as well as parameters that have not been varied for the available S-parameter result data, are not shown in this list. All parameters from this list will also become accessible from within the Agilent ADS庐 schematic.


Creates an Agilent ADS庐 component in the design kit based on your currently available S-parameter data and the settings in this dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

ADS Co-Simulation, Agilent ADS庐 Co-Simulation



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