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Post Processing Overview

The Post Processing enables the visualization of all calculated and monitored results as well as the computation of several secondary results, for instance S-Parameter, Farfields, SAR values or AR-Filter.

1D Plot Overview

In this folder all one-dimensional results calculated so far are listed, for example S-Parameters, port signals, etc. There are several subfolders that contain the different signal types. If you select one of these folders or one of its contents, the corresponding signal(s) will be plotted in the main plot window.

2D/3D Plot Overview

Here the stored values of all defined monitors and ports are listed. They are sorted by the type of result they have monitored. Every field monitor folder holds items for each vector component and its absolute value.

Farfield Overview

Here you can see the results of every farfield monitor. Every farfield folder has Items for the two polarization directions, their absolute value and for the axial ratio of the farfield.

SAR Calculation Overview

Here a SAR calculation is performed based on the monitor field of power loss density.

S-Parameter Overview

Some features, e.g. Renormalize S-Parameters, are directly applied to the previously calculated S-Parameters.

AR-Filter Overview

Auto regressive filters are capable of calculating spectra for time signals which have not reached steady state yet. Thus it is possible to save a huge amount of calculation time, especially for highly resonant structures, by applying these filters to a set of time signals.

Loss and Q Calculation Overview

Here losses and the Q-factor can be evaluated from a loss-free calculation using the perturbation method.

Network Parameter Extraction Overview

Network parameter extraction creates a network structure, which has approximately the same input/output behavior as the simulated 3D-EM model and can be used for circuit simulation tools like SPICE.

Combine Calculation Results

Different results due to different ports can be combined using separate stimulation properties for each port.

Table View

Shows the results obtained from a parameter sweep calculation.

Parameter View

Displays the combination of all parameters together with the available results.

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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