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Transform Local Coordinate System

Modeling: WCSTransform WCS

In this mode you may change the origin and orientation of the local coordinate system (WCS). Specify a translation vector, an angle for rotation around one of the principal axis or drag and rotate the local coordinate system by mouse. Multiple transforms can be performed by clicking "Apply" (or pressing Return) between single steps.


Transform Type: Move/Rotate

Choose the kind of transformation for the next transform. If you use the mouse for transforming, this will automatically be chosen.



This will translate the origin of the local coordinate system while the orientation will be kept unchanged.

You can drag the axis of the coordinate by mouse to specify a translation that will be displayed in the dialog. You can specify an arbitrary translation vector by dragging different principal axis, one after the other.


Specify a valid expressions for the translation vector. The origin of the local coordinate system will be translated by this vector to define the new origin of the coordinate system.

Depending on the check box "Move in global system" the translation will either be performed in global or in local coordinates.

Move in global system

With this check box you may specify whether the translation vector is specified in local or global coordinates. According to this setting the translation is performed either along the axes of the local or the global coordinate system. In case of global coordinates, the mouse is not available for interactive transforms.



This will rotate the local coordinate system around a specified axis by the given angle. The origin of the WCS will be kept.

By clicking on the ring segments of the local coordinate system, you can specify rotation angles as multiple of 90掳. It is also possible to define an arbitrary rotation angle by grabbing a ring segment and dragging it around the respective principal axis.

Angle: U/V/W

Choose one of the principal axis of the current WCS as rotation axis and specify a valid expressions for the rotation angle. The local coordinate system will be rotated by this angle around the specified axis.


If checked, the rotation angle will be interpreted as clockwise instead of counter clockwise.



Press this button to apply the translation or rotation the local coordinate system. The location of the drawing plane will be updated immediately and the dialog will be closed.


Press this button to apply the translation or rotation to the local coordinate system. Or Press "Return" while the focus is in the 3D View.

You can now continue to define the next transformation of  the local coordinate system as a next step. To finish, press OK.


Press this button to create a preview of the transformed coordinate system.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Press this button to reset the current translation vector and rotation angle back to zero. This button is also usable if you started the wrong kind of transformation by dragging the WCS by mouse and want to perform another kind.


Shows this help text.



See also

Align WCS,  Coordinate Systems, Store Current WCS, WCS Properties, Properties of stored WCS

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