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Special Mesh Properties - Volume Mesh (Delaunay/Advancing Front)

Home: MeshGlobal PropertiesSpecialsVolume

This dialog allows you to control the overall volume meshing process. In most cases, you will not need to change the default settings.

Depending on the volume mesh generation method selected in the Mesh Method tab, you can tune the following settings:


Delaunay meshing active:

Propagation into volume

The slider position defines how the mesh density propagates from the surface into the volume. The more you move the slider to the left position (coarser than surface mesh) the coarser the mesh becomes as it gets farther from the surface. If you check the box "as coarse as possible", the extreme case (very left position) all constraints on the mesh density will be ignored. The default setting is a slight coarsening while propagating into the volume.

Quality enhancement

The more the slider is positioned to the right (full) the more optimization sweeps will be performed. The CPU time may also increase. Note that the default setting is none, i.e. no  optimization sweeps are performed.


In case the mesh consists of several sub-domains (mesh regions determined by closed surfaces), these can be meshed in parallel. By default maxumim parallelization mode is set, that means that all available processors are used. Alternatively it's possible to specify the number of processors (user-defined mode) or disable the parallelization (none).


Advancing front  meshing active:

Quality enhancement

Volume optimization: If this field is checked (recommended), the mesh connectivity of the preliminary volume mesh is changed to improve the mesh quality.

Volume smoothing: If this field is checked (recommended), the position of mesh vertices will be changed in order to enhance the mesh quality.


Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Accepts the changes without closing the dialog.


Shows this help text.

See also

Mesh Properties (Tetrahedral), Special Mesh Properties, Mesh Property for Selected Shape (Tetrahedral ) Mesh Generation Overview (Tetrahedral) Mesh View (Tetrahedral)

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