Nonlinear Electric Conductivity

Modeling: MaterialsNew/EditNew MaterialConductivityElectric Conductivity: NonlinearProperties

Navigation Tree: Materials<Material Name>PropertiesConductivityElectric Conductivity: NonlinearProperties

This dialog offers the possibility to define the nonlinear electric conductivity as a dependency of electric field strength E on conduction current density J:



Spline interpolation is applied between the user-defined points. From this curve, the dependency of electric conductivity on electric field is computed:



Both J and E values of the curve must be positive, the curve must be monotonously increasing. For electric field strength below the first user-defined point, the material is assumed to be linear. For extremely high field strengths beyond the user-defined interval the linear increase of electric conductivity as a function of E is assumed.

The resulting nonlinear electric conductivity can be utilized by the tetrahedral-based stationary currents solver.


Accepts the input and closes the dialog. Please note that at least three data points must be defined for correct interpolation.


Displays a preview of user-defined and fitted curves for the dependency of electric field on conduction current density.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.


Deletes the currently selected item from the list.

Delete All

Deletes all items in the list.


Imports the data from a text file.


Exports the data into a text file.

See also

Material Parameters: Conductivity (HF), Material Parameters: Conductivity (LF), Material Overview (LF), Stationary Currents Solver Overview.