Magnetostatic Solver Dialog Box

Simulation: SolverStart Simulation

Mesh Type

Drop down list for the meshing method to use for the simulation. Available are hexahedral and tetrahedral meshes.


Drop down list for solver accuracy setting.

Apparent inductance matrix

The apparent inductance matrix relates the currents to the flux linkages. Activate this checkbox to calculate the apparent inductance matrix in the end of the solver run. Please note that each current coil and coil segment definition increases the apparent inductance matrix dimension n by one. If n current sources are defined the full apparent inductance matrix requires n additional solver runs. When only one current source has been defined, only one single run is necessary to compute the self inductance.

Incremental inductance matrix

The incremental inductance matrix relates the time derivative of the currents to the induced voltages. Activate this checkbox to calculate the incremental inductance matrix in the end of the solver run. Each current coil and coil segment definition increases the incremental inductance matrix dimension n by one. If n current sources are defined the full incremental inductance matrix requires n additional solver runs.

Please note: Both, the apparent and the incremental inductance matrices are symmetric. In case of a pure linear computation (no nonlinear materials defined), they coincide with the inductance matrix which relates the currents to the stored energy.

Store result data in cache

Indicates if all models and results during a mesh adaptation, parameter sweep or optimization are stored in subfolders or not.

Adaptive mesh refinement frame

Adaptive mesh refinement

Check to activate the adaptive mesh refinement. 


Opens the adaptive mesh refinement properties dialog.

Precompute stationary current field

Check this box to start the stationary current solver before the magnetostatic calculation. The current distribution inside conductive materials will be used as current source for the magnetostatic problem.

Note: If the stationary current problem is not well defined the whole computation will fail.


Starts the magnetostatic solver with the current settings.


Opens the Optimization dialog.

Par. Sweep&ldots;

Opens the Parameter Sweep dialog.


Opens the acceleration dialog box to control the high performance options of the simulation run (e.g. CPU multithreading or Distributed Computing).


Opens the Special Settings dialog.

Simplify Model...

Opens the dialog to globally reduce the complexity of the model.


Opens the Nonlinear Solver Settings dialog.


Stores the current settings without closing the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Magnetostatic Solver Overview, Adaptive Mesh refinement, Optimization, Parameter Sweep, Nonlinear Solver Settings, Stationary Current Solver