The LF frequency domain solver of is capable of solving three different equation types: magnetoquasistatic, electroquasistatic and fullwave equations.
Several different source types are available for the magnetoquasistatic and fullwave options:
Current or voltage coils with constant profile can be defined via a path curve and a profile curve that is swept along the path. A current or voltage value corresponding to one turn as well as the total number of turns and the Ohmic resistance can be specified. The source value is interpreted as peak or RMS value depending on the solver special settings. Moreover, a phase shift can be defined. |
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In magnetoquasistatic and fullwave problems, closed and non-closed current paths find application to simulate the idealization of a thin conductor with given current. A non-closed current path can be used to prescribe the total current in a touching massive conductor. To create a current path an appropriate curve path has to be defined before. A coil segment definition consists of a path- and a profile-curve. In addition to the current value, it is possible to assign a phase value to the current path. In order to define a solvable magnetoquasistatic problem each connected set of current paths and conductive domains must form a closed circuit. In particular current paths must not start or end in insulating material.
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Similarly to a current path, the voltage path is created from a curve. A typical application is a voltage path connecting two conducting regions, thus defining a voltage between the conductors. In addition to the voltage value, it is possible to assign a phase value to the voltage path. |
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Via the Solve menu it is possible to prescribe a magnetic source field which is constant throughout the entire calculation domain pointing into the direction of a specified field vector. All polarizations can be defined by setting the phase values for each vector component separately. This feature is currently available only for the hexahedral solver. |
The following source is available for the electroquasistatic option:
(Floating or fixed)
Potentials can be defined on perfect electric conductors (PEC solids). If a perfect electric conductor (PEC) unit has to be maintained at a specific potential, then specify the potential type to be Fixed. Alternatively, the PEC body can be made floating (Floating potential). A floating PEC has a constant but unknown potential. This constant is fixed during the calculation such that charge conservation holds for the whole conductor, i.e., in each moment the change of total charge equals the total current entering the PEC body.
See also
LF Frequency Domain Solver Overview