Static Solvers





Electrostatic Solver

  • Useful for static electric problems where the electric field is given by the gradient of a scalar potential

  • Typical applications: high voltage devices, capacitors, MEMS sensors

  • Output: electric potential & field, energy, capacitance matrix, forces & torques




Magnetostatic Solver

  • Useful for linear & nonlinear time-independent magnetic problems

  • Typical applications: magnets, magnetic valves, actuators, motors, generators, sensors

  • Output: magnetic field, magnetic flux density, energy, co-energy, inductance matrix, permeability, flux linkage, forces & torques, source current density




Stationary Current Solver

  • Useful for DC current problems

  • Typical applications: sensors, coils, circuit breakers, IR drop simulations, grounding problems

  • Output: electric field, current density, energy, resistance, voltages & currents


See also

Solver Overview