Phase Definition

The phase definition in CST EM STUDIO follows the definition of a phasor. This means, that a complex time harmonic excitation value is defined as:



where A denotes the amplitude, phi the phase value, and omega the circular frequency.


The phasor with its amplitude A and its phase phi in the complex plane.


Note: If a field plot in frequency domain should be used to observe fields at the phase or time where the amplitude A is visible, the view phase alpha



 (corresponding with the time value where the field is observed) must be set such that the following condition is fulfilled:



in order to turn the phasor onto the real axis.



The following example shows how to adjust the view phase alpha in order to see the full current density of a coil.

In order to see the maximum current value of a coil pointing in the positive direction, the view angle alpha must be set to 360 - phi (here: 306 deg = (360-54) deg).


See also:

Coil, Coil Segment, Current Path, Voltage Path, Magnetic Source Field, Potential