Simplify Model

Home: Mesh Global Properties [Simplify Model]
Simulation: SolverStart Simulation [Simplify Model]

Use  this dialog to globally reduce the complexity of your model.

Settings apply to

Solver: The simplification is used for the selected solver only.

Mesh:  The settings are used for the displayed mesh type only.


Simulate nonlin. material as normal: All nonlinear material settings are ignored. Shapes defined with nonlinear materials are simulated like  Normal materials. The appropriate material properties can be specified in the General tab of the Material dialog box.


Zero wire radius: The wire radius is globally set to zero for all  wires. (This setting is only available for hexahedral mesh.)

Apply  thin wire model to solid wires: Ignore all solid wire definitions.


Press this button to apply the specified simplifications.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Mesh Properties (Hexahedral), Mesh Properties (Tetrahedral)