Parameter Sweep

Home: Simulation Par. Sweep

Home: Simulation Start Simulation Par. Sweep

The Parameter Sweep dialog offers an easy and efficient way to perform several simulations with different structure parameter values. Use watches to store the results for the different parameters. For each simulation, previously specified results will be stored. After the simulations have finished, you can plot these results in relation to their parameters. They will be listed in the navigation tree in the Tables folder.

Sequences frame

In the text field you can see the Sequences defined so far. If you click on the plus besides the sequence name, a tree will be shown, presenting the parameters of this sequence as well as their start/end values and the number of steps to be used for the sweep.

A sequence consists out of a set of parameters. Within a sequence the structure will be simulated for all combinations of its parameters and their values. The sequences are processed independently one by one until the last sequence has finished.


New seq.: Adds a new sequence to the sweep.

New Par...: Opens the Parameter Sweep Parameter dialog box that lets you specify a new parameter for the selected sequence.

Edit...: Allows you to edit the selected item. If you press this button after having selected a sequence, you will be able to change the name of the sequence. If, on the other hand, you have selected a parameter, the Parameter Sweep Parameter dialog will open, where you can change the settings for this parameter.

Delete: Deletes the selected sequence

Result watch frame

Previously defined watches are listed in the Result watch frame. If you open the Parameter Sweep dialog box for the first time and no template has been defined before, the watch list is usually empty. In this case, select Postprocessing template from the drop down list. On defining or editing the watch Postprocessing template, the Template Base Postprocessing dialog box will open automatically, where you can specify the result(s) to be stored for all simulations.


Edit...: Opens a dialog box where you can edit the settings of the selected watch or modify the user-defined watch.

Delete:  Deletes the selected watch.


Opens the acceleration dialog box to control the high performance options of the simulation run (e.g. GPU acceleration, Distributed Computing, MPI).


Rebuilds the structure for all parameter combinations defined in the sweep. If there is a combination that leads to an illegal structure, you can find it before you actually start the simulations.


Starts the simulations of the parameter sweep.


By pressing this button either the parameter sweep check or simulation is aborted.

View Logfile...

Shows the log file of the sweep.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.


See also

Optimization, Structure Parameter, Navigation Tree, Result Data Cache