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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

System Simulator >
Discrete Time Analysis >
   Linear Electrical Discrete Time Simulation with Impulse Invariance       

Linear Electrical Discrete Time Simulation with Impulse Invariance

Impulse Invariance provides a quick alternative to convolution for simulating mixed mode systems. While convolution analysis can be used to solve most mixed mode applications, it is generally slow and cumbersome. This is due to the fact that after sampling the frequency response of the electrical sub-design and obtaining the impulse response, integration is needed for each sample point. In addition to this, convolution analysis tends to have problems with electrical sub-designs containing poles at zero; a prohibitively small frequency sampling produces extremely large impulse responses.

Impulse Invariance analysis is well suited for electrical sub-designs that have low frequency poles and can be represented with a small number of poles (e.g., an RLC loop filter).


The topics for this section include:

Step 1: Evaluating the Frequency Responses

Step 2: Extracting the Poles and Zeros

Step 3: Computing the total discrete time output voltages of an electrical sub-design


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