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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
Desktop Scripting with IronPython >
   Translating Script commands from VBScript to IronPython >
       VBscript Method Call Types           

VBscript Method Call Types

VBScript method calls fall into two categories and the distinction between the two results in syntax differences. These syntax differences are significant when converting VBScript to IronPython.

VBScript Functions

In VBScript terminology functions return values. The syntax for this is the one shared with practically all programming languages.

Set oDesktop = oAnsoftApp.GetAppDesktop()

Set oProject = oDesktop.NewProject

Sample Script 2: VBScript function call sample

Note that the significant item here is that the method name is always followed by an argument list enclosed in parentheses if there are arguments. If the argument list is empty as shown above for the NewProject call, the parentheses can be omitted.

VBScript Sub-Routines

VBScript Sub-Routines are those that do not have any return value. VBScript allows these to be written without any parentheses even if they have a non-empty argument list.


oModule.CreateReport "XY Plot1", "Standard", "XY Plot", "optimtee : optimtee", _

Array("Domain:=", "Sweep"), Array("Freq:=", Array("All"), "offset:=",_

Array("0uin")), Array("X Component:=", "Freq", "Y Component:=", _

Array("dB20(S(1,1))", "dB20(S(1,2))", "dB20(S(1,3))", _

"dB20(S(2,1))", "dB20(S(2,2))", "dB20(S(2,3))", "dB20(S(3,1))",

"dB20(S(3,2))", "dB20(S(3,3))")), Array()

Sample Script 3: VBScript Sub-Routine sample

Related Topics

Translating Script commands from VBScript to IronPython

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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