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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
User Defined Solutions Commands   

User Defined Solutions Commands

User Defined Solution commands should be executed by the "UserDefinedSolutionModule" module.


Set oDesign = oProject.SetActiveDesign("TestDesign1")

Set oModule =







Use:                   Creates a new user defined solution.

Command:         Create User Defined Solution popup menu is available in the Result folder context menu when applicable.

Syntax:              CreateUserDefinedSolution <SolutionName>, <PluginFileLocation>, <PluginFileRelativePathName>, <PropertyValuesArray>, <ProbeSelectionArray>, <DynamicProbesArray>

Return Value:    The name of the user defined solution that was created. Note: if the requested user defined solution name is not available because it is already in use, the user defined solution will be created with a different name which will be returned.

Parameters:      <SolutionName>

                           Type: String

                           Requested name of new user defined solution.



                           Type: String

                          Indicates the library where the UDS plugin file is located. This parameter must be one of the following values: "SysLib", "UserLib", "PersonalLib".


                           Type: String

                          The path of the UDS plugin file relative to the "UserDefinedOutputs"subdirectory of the library specified by <PluginFileLocation>.


                          Type: Array of strings

                          Strings specify name-value pairs corresponding to the UDS properties specified in the plugin file.

For example:

   Array("multiply_factor:=", "2.0", "component_name:=", "resistor1")



                           Type: Array of <ProbeSelection>'s (see below)

                          The probe specification array specifies how UDS probes are defined and mapped to traces in the design.


                          Type: Array of strings representing how a single probe is defined by a trace. The array contains the below items:


                           Type: String

                          See the CreateReport command for more information.


                           Type: String

                          Name of the probe being specified. Note: this must match a probe name specified in the UDS plugin file.


                           Type: String

                          See the CreateReport command for more information.


                           Type: Array of strings

                          See the CreateReport command for more information.


                          Type: Array of values with optional overriding values and optional

                           variable values.

                          See the CreateReport command for more information.


                           Type: Array of strings and values.

                          This is similar to the TracesExpressionsArray used in the CreateReport command, but there will only be a single component expression named "Probe Component." See the CreateReport command for more information.


                           Type: Array of strings and values

                          See the CreateReport command for more information.


                          Type: Array of <ProbeSelection>'s, representing the probes that are used by dynamic-probes.


   oModule.CreateUserDefinedSolution "User Defined Solution 1", _
"SysLib", "Example",
Array("multiplication_factor:=", "1.2"),
Array(Array("Modal Solution Data",
"Probe 1", "Setup1 : LastAdaptive",
Array("Freq:=", Array( "All")),
Array("Probe Component:=", Array("dB(S(1,1))")), Array()),
Array( "Modal Solution Data", "Probe 2",
"Setup1 : LastAdaptive", Array(),
Array("Freq:=", Array( "All")),
Array("Probe Component:=", Array("mag(S(1,1))")), Array())), Array(Array( "Modal Solution Data",
"Dynamic Probe 1", "Setup1 : LastAdaptive", Array(),
Array("Freq:=", Array( "All")),
Array("Probe Component:=", Array("Freq")), Array()))


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