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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
Output Variable Script Commands >
   CreateOutputVariable >


SimValueContext holds context information for a trace, and describes how data for a trace should be extracted from the simulation. SimValueContext contains a list of 14 required initial values:


SimValueContext (
Domain ID, Calculation Type, Number of Cycles, Rise Time,
Step, Impulse, Context ID, Window Width,
Window Type, TDR Kaiser Parameter, Hold Time, DeviceName,
TDR Step Time, DR Maximum Time )


For example, the following indicates a trace in the Time Domain, Standard Calculation with the number of cycles being 2:

"SimValueContext:=", Array(1, 0, 2, 0, false, false, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, "", 0, 0)

Additional, context-specific values may follow the required values, as described in subsection 15 below.


1. Domain ID



2. Calculation Type



3. Number of Cycles — Used in Time Domain in HarmonicBalance analysis.

4. Rise Time — Not used by Designer/Nexxim.

5. Step — Not used by Designer/Nexxim.

6. Impulse — Not used by Designer/Nexxim.

7. Context ID — Not used by Designer/Nexxim.

8. Window Width — Not used by Designer/Nexxim.

9. Window Type — Not used by Designer/Nexxim.

10. TDR Kaiser Parameter — Not used by Designer/Nexxim.

11. Hold Time — Not used by Designer/Nexxim.

12. DeviceName — Not used by Designer/Nexxim.

13. TDR Step Time — Not used by Designer/Nexxim.

14. TDR Maximum Time — Not used by Designer/Nexxim.

15. Context-specific values — Used in Time Domain in HarmonicBalance analysis.


Context-specific values are entered in the format "key, true/false, keyvalue", where:

                          — "key" is the name of the key being set.

                          — “true/false” indicates whether the key is a string value.

                          — "keyvalue" is the value of the key.

                          — The order of the context keys is not significant.

                          — Context keys have software defaults that will be used if not provided in the script.




"SimValueContext:=", Array(1, 0, 2, 0, false, false, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, "", 0, 0,
"DE", false, "0",
"DP", false, "20000000",
"DT", false, "0.001",
"WE", false, "10ns",
"WM", false, "10ns",
"WN", false, "0ns",
"WS", false, "0ns"))



a. Plotting Range for Time domain in Transient and QuickEye analysis:



b.Transient report context for Spectral domain in Transient and System Transient analysis:




c. Eyeprobe index context for UI domain, Time domain, Eye Measuremant domain in VerifEye and QuickEye analysis:



d. Eyesource index context for Initial Response domain and Peak Distortion domain in VerifEye and QuickEye analysis:



e. UI domain context in VerifEye and QuickEye analysis:



f. Distribution Context for UI Domain in VerifEye and QuickEye analysis:



Receiver Jitter Parameters



Receiver Noise Parameters



User Defined Parameters



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