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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
Project Object Script Commands >


Use:                   Saves the project under a new name.

Command:         File > Save As

Syntax:              SaveAs <FileName> <OverWrite> <DefaultAction> <OverrideActions>

Return Value:    None



                          Type: <string>

                          New name for the file



                          Type: <bool>

                          Set to true if an existing project by that name should be overwritten


                          Type: <string>

                          Set to one of the following action strings: ef_overwrite , ef_copy_no_overwrite, ef_make_path_absolute or empty string



                          Type: Array("Name: OverrideActions", <Files>, <Files>, ...)


                          Type: Array("Name: <Action>", <FileName>, <FileName>, ...)



                          Type: <string>

                          Set to one of the following action strings: ef_overwrite , ef_copy_no_overwrite, ef_make_path_absolute or empty string


Example:           oProject.SaveAs

                           "F:\Designer Projects\TA33097\HighSpeedChannel.adsn", true, "ef_overwrite", Array("NAME:OverrideActions",

                          Array("NAME:ef_copy_no_overwrite", Array("NAME:Files","$PROJECTDIR/circuit_models.inc")),

                          Array("NAME:ef_make_path_absolute", Array("NAME:Files","$PROJECTDIR\SL_6s.sp")))



The Action and DefaultAction strings correspond to the following actions:

ef_overwrite — Copy File to New Project Directory and Overwrite

ef_copy_no_overwrite — Copy File to New Project Directory and Don't Overwrite

ef_make_path_absolute — Change Reference to Point to File in Old Project Directory

empty string — Do Nothing


The DefaultAction is applied to all files that are NOT explicitly listed in the OverrideActions array. Those in the OverrideActions array are separate arrays for actions that are different from the default action; those actions are applied to the files listed in the same array:

If OverrideActions are not specified, then DefaultAction is applied to ALL files in project directory.

If DefaultAction is not specified, then nothing is done (action is Do Nothing).


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