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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
Property Script Commands >
   Property Script Conventions       

Property Script Conventions

•  < Property>
Refers to a single item that can be modified in the dockable Properties dialog box or in the modal Properties pop-up window.

•  <PropServer>
Refers to the item whose properties are being modified. This is usually a compound name giving all the information needed by the editor, design, or project to locate the item being edited.

•   <PropTab>
Corresponds to one tab in the Property dialog box – the tab under which properties are being edited.

•   <PropName>
Name of a single property .


<PropServer> and <PropTab> Names


Project Variables:

                           <PropServer>            “ProjectVariables”

                           <PropTab>               “ProjectVariableTab”


AnsoftHfss and Q3D Extractor Design:

Local Variables:          

                           <PropServer>            “LocalVariables”

                           <PropTab>               “LocalVariableTab”


Passed Parameters:

                           <PropServer>            “Instance:<name of circuit instance>”

                           <PropTab>               “PassedParameterTab”


Definition Parameters:

                           <PropServer>            “DefinitionParameters”

                           <PropTab>               “DefinitionParameterTabs”



Modules & Editors


                          Format is: <ModuleName>:<ItemName>, where <ItemName> is the component name, solution setup name, etc., depending on which module is being edited.


                           Example: <PropServer> for the boundary “PerfE1” is “BoundarySetup:PerfE1”



                          Circuit module: “CircuitTab”

                          System module: “SystemTab”

                          PlanarEM module: “PlanarEMTab”

                          Nexxim module: “NexximTab”

                          Layout elements: “BaseElementTab”

                          Schematic elements: “ComponentTab”

                          Optimetrics module: “OptimimetricsTab”



                          Operations on Report properties:

                          Format is <ReportSetup>

                          For example, to set the Company Name in the plot header to “My Company”:

                          Set oModule = oDesign.GetModule("ReportSetup")

                          oModule.ChangeProperty Array("NAME:AllTabs",_ Array("NAME:Header",_ Array("NAME:PropServers",_

                          "XY Plot1:Header"), Array("NAME:ChangedProps",_ Array("NAME:Company Name", "Value:=", "My Company"))))


For further information on scripted property changes in the various Designer modules and editors, please refer to the chapters on the System, PlanarEM and Nexxim tools, as well as the Layout and Schematic editors.




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