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          首页 >> Ansoft Designer >> Ansoft Designer在线帮助文档

Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
   Creating and Interacting with Scripts >
       Including Scripts           

Including Scripts

Designer allows you to include one script within another using the following command:

      #include “<scriptfilename>”

Where scriptfilename is the full path name to a file that contains script text, or is the name of a script in the project library or script library (listed in the project window under the Definitions/Scripts directory).

The command works for VBScript, JScript, and for the following:

•  Scripts in the project library that are run by right-clicking the script icon in the project window and choosing "Run Script"

•  Scripts in files that are external to Designer and are run by choosing “Tools/Run Script...”

•  Scripts that are specified as callbacks in the Property dialog

•  Scripts that are run to draw parameterized footprints in layout

An include command can be placed anywhere in a script, but for readability it is recommended that commands be placed at the beginning of a file. The same script can be included multiple times without error, and circular inclusions will be ignored.

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