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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
Desktop Scripting with IronPython >
   Translating Script commands from VBScript to IronPython >
       Function Blocks           

Function Blocks

Function blocks in VBScript argument syntax are represented as arrays without the “NAME:..” field. However, functions are always introduced by a key in a parent structure. Function blocks can therefore never exist as a top-level argument. They are only found as the value pairs inside a named array or inside another function block.


Function blocks and their items cannot be converted to dictionaries even though they might be composed entirely of key value pairs.

The reason for this is the need to main the user-entered order. Every item in a function block is expect to be transmitted to the script method in exactly the same order as typed out and this is impossible to achieve when a dictionary is used (as the keys get reordered according to the dictionary’s internal tree/key sorting scheme).


When you see a function block, simply replace the Array( ) delimiters with the python array delimiters [ ]

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