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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
Reporter Editor Script Commands >


Use:                   Deletes an existing traces or traces.

Command:         Right-click the report to delete in the project tree, and then click Delete on the shortcut menu.

Syntax:              DeleteTraces(<TraceSelectionArray>)

Return Value:    None

Parameters:      <TraceSelectionArray>

                          Type: Array of strings

                          Array(“<ReportName>:=”, <TracesArray>, <TracesArray>,... )



                          Type: <string>

                          Name of Report.



                           Type: Array of strings

                          This array contains the traces to delete within a report.

                          Array(<Trace>, <Trace>, ...)



                          Type: string


Example:           oModule.DeleteTraces Array("XY Plot 1:=", Array("dB(S(LumpPort1,LumpPort1))"), “XY Plot 2:=”, Array(“Mag_E”))




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