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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Schematic Editor >
   N-Ports in Designer >
       Creating a Parametric N-Port Model >
           Symbol Tab               

Symbol Tab

The Symbols tab is used to display symbols for the model:


You can use the following controls to position pins on the symbol:

• Preview for: This pulldown menu allows you to choose from the following display options:

— Implied reference to ground

— Show common reference port

— Add individual hidden reference pin per port

— Add individual reference pin per port


Refer to the section “Reference Nodes on S-Parameter Elements” in the S-parameter Technical Notes topic for details on how Nexxim handles reference node configurations.

• Recapture bitmap image: When enabled, this option allows you to restore the original bitmap image of the symbol.

• Pin Direction: The pin direction option may be set to one of the following options:

— All Left

— All Right

— I/I+N

— Odd-Even

— Manual Edit

If you choose Manual Edit, use the windows at lower left to Drag and drop text to manually edit the symbol

• Network Data Explorer: Allows you to view and manipulate network data by opening the Network Data Explorer.

When the N-port Symbol options have been entered, click OK or select another tab.

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                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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