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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Schematic Editor >
   Designer I/O Wizard >
       Source/Analysis Setup           

Source/Analysis Setup

To configure source assignments, click Setup Sources/Analysis in the I/O Wizard Dialog; this opens the Setup Source/Analysis dialog for the pins designated as “Signal”.

This dialog allows the user to add sources to the project. Sources are connected to the appropriate drivers that have been configured for each of the signal pins. A transient analysis can also be set up, which streamlines the process. The fields in the dialog reflect customizations made to the Sources/Probe pin which allows for toggling the existence of a probe for the IBIS buffer.

• By default, a PRBS source with jitter is assigned to each signal pin. Sources will be attached to the logic pin on the IBIS buffer (if applicable), not the actual signal pin. The Source selection box lists only the independent sources in the project. Grounds will be automatically added to the other side of the source.

• You can click the browse button (…) to load another source and then click Properties to set the per-instance properties for the source. Checking the Probe box will attach a probe directly to the selected pin.

• In the Analysis Setup area, you can set up a quick transient analysis by checking Create Transient Analysis, which enables the Stop and Step boxes for controlling the analysis. After the dialog is closed, the setup can be further refined from the project tree.


Click OK to close the dialog and implement any changes that have been configured.


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                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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