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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Schematic Editor >
   Designer I/O Wizard >
       I/O Wizard Dialog           

I/O Wizard Dialog

The I/O Wizard dialog provides a summary of the current Wizard configuration and allows you to perform various actions in order to set up individual pins. Click Schematic > I/O Wizard to open the Wizard dialog.

Upon initialization, the I/O Wizard indicates all the unconnected pins that exist in the current schematic. The above figure shows the Wizard dialog after each pin of a 7-pin SIwave component has been configured.

• The Wizard displays the current settings for each pin.

• Pins can either be left in the default unassigned state, assigned to a signal pin (driver or receiver), or assigned as a Power/Ground pin.

• Select one or more rows and click the various Actions buttons to associate selected pins with a given type. A configuration window will appear that allows further customization.

• Power/Ground pins are initially assigned if the component's name contains "VSS", "GND", etc. Initial assignments can be overidden and customized.

• When Enable Subcircuit Grouping is selected, pins can be assigned to a group.

• Auto assign all groups attempts to group pins in a meaningful way — by grouping buffers with common pins into the same subcircuit group.


Click OK to close the dialog and implement any changes that have been configured.


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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