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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Schematic Editor >
   Miscellaneous Schematic Operations >
       Printing a Schematic           

Printing a Schematic


To print the schematic that is in the active window:

1. Right-click in the schematic window and select Print from the menu (or select Print from the File menu) to open the Print dialog box:

2. Use the controls to specify how you wish the print to appear.

• In the Schematic Options panel, you can specify whether or not to draw the grid and print the design variables.

• In the Border type panel, you can select the type of border to print around the schematic.

Selecting the Ansoft border type places a single line box around the schematic and adds the current date and page number to the print.

Selecting the Schematic-defined border type prints the border as defined through the Schematic->Page Borders menu option at the size specified. Typically, select this option when printing out at a specific scale (i.e. 100%) to ensure that the border will be visible. Use File>Print Preview to preview the effect of your choices.

• Make any desired selections in the Print Range, Copies, and Print Zoom panels.

3. Click OK to print the schematic, or click Cancel to cancel the operation.


To set up the page layout before printing:

1. Select Page Setup from the File pulldown on the Designer top menu bar.

2. The Page Setup dialog box opens.

• Use the Paper, Orientation, Margins, and Print Zoom controls to specify how you wish the print to appear. In the Schematic Options panel, you can specify whether or not to draw the grid and print the design variables.

• In the Border type panel, you can select the type of border to print around the schematic.

— Selecting the Ansoft border type places a single line box around the schematic and adds the current date and page number to the print.

— Selecting the Schematic-defined border type prints the border as defined through the Schematic->Page Borders menu option at the size specified. Typically, select this option when printing out at a specific scale (i.e. 100%) to ensure that the border will be visible. Use File>Print Preview to preview the effect of your choices.

3. Click OK to close the Page Setup dialog box with your settings.

4. Select Print Preview from the File menu to see a preview of the print.

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