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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Schematic Editor >
   Sources in Nexxim Schematics >
       Multiple Component Containers           

Multiple Component Containers

A multiple component container is a schematic object that can reference any number of sources, and allows easy reconfiguration of circuit sources and analyses.

To place a multiple component container, select either the single-ended or differential version from the Independent Sources list in Designer:


Place the multiple component container on the node where the sources are to be applied.

Right-click the container and select Edit Source to open the Configure Sources dialog, open to the Multi Component Container tab:


Use the Add New Source panel to add Power, Current, Voltage, and Eye Sources to the list. As each source is defined, you can associate it with an available Analysis setup. The picture above shows two sources attached to one container. The two sources can both be included when they apply to different analyses.

You can change the configuration of sources and analyses at any time using this dialog. As long as the change does not affect a particular analysis, changing the configuration does not invalidate the results of that analysis.

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