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   How Ports Affect Node Names       

How Ports Affect Node Names

When you connect a port to a node or net, the net name changes to that of the port. The rules for net renaming depend on the kinds of ports attached to the node. The precedence for port types is global ports > interface ports > page ports.


Global Ports

• If a global port is attached to a net, the net name is the global port name, and all connected page ports have that name as well.

• If more than one global port is attached to a net, the net name is the first global port name, though any name should work to access the net.


When you wire two differently-named global nodes together, a .CONNECT statement is added to the netlist. See CONNECT Statement for details.


Interface Ports

• If an interface port is attached to a net (but no global ports), the net name is the interface port name, and all connected page ports have that name as well.

• If more than one interface port are attached to a net, the net name is the first interface port name.


Page Ports

• If a page port is attached to a net (but no global or interface ports), the net name is the page port name.

• If more than one page port is attached to a net, they will all share the same name.


Adding Ports

• If a global port is added to a net, the name of the net and page ports on the net are changed to the global port name.

• If an interface port is added to a net (without a global port) the name of the net and page ports directly connected are changed to the interface port name.

• If a page port is added to a net (without any global or interface ports) the name of the net and pageports directly connected are changed to the page port name.


The topics for this section include:

Changing Node Names

The Effect of Deleting Ports


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