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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Schematic Editor >
   How Ports Affect Node Names >
       Changing Node Names           

Changing Node Names

You can change the name of a node (net) in the schematic by double-clicking it to open its Properties dialog box, then clicking on the Value field for the Name property. Click OK to apply the new name. Following are some guidelines to keep in mind when changing the name of a node:

• Net names may not contain spaces, ampersands (&), or asterisks (*).

• When you try to change a global or interface port name to that of an existing net, the existing net of the same name as the new port name will be connected to the new port’s net. A dialog box appears so that you can resolve the name conflict by splitting the net into two nets, or allowing the nets to remain connected.

• When you try to change a global or interface port name to that of an existing net, the existing net of the same name as the new port name will be connected to the new port’s net. A dialog box appears so that you can resolve the name conflict by splitting the net into two nets, or allowing the nets to remain connected.

• When you try to change a page port name to that of an existing net, the existing net of the same name as the new port name will be connected to the new port’s net. A dialog box appears so that you can resolve the name conflict by splitting the net into two nets, or allowing the nets to remain connected.

• If a global port name is changed, the name of the net it is attached to and any connected page ports are changed.

• If an interface port name is changed, the name of the net it is attached to and any connected page ports are changed.

• If a page port name is changed, the net is examined to see what is physically connected. Wires and pins that are directly attached to the renamed page port are connected on the net with the page port. If there is another net with a page port of the new name, the page port and directly connected objects are connected to that net. If there is no such other net, the page port and directly connected objects become their own net.

• If a net name is changed, the ports on the net that had the same name as the old net name will be changed to the new name.

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