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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Schematic Editor >
   Starting the Schematic Editor >
       Displaying Symbols           

Displaying Symbols

There are two display styles available for symbols in the schematic editor, IEEE and Traditional. The choice between IEE and Traditional is configured in General tab of the Tools > Options > Schematic Editor Options dialog.

• Each object in a symbol is associated with a level.

• Graphics on levels 0 and 1 are always present and shown. Graphics on other levels are visible by default, but can be configured as visible/invisible programmatically.

• For IEEE and Traditional styles, all levels are independent — except for level 0 where pins are displayed.

• Both IEEE and Traditional symbols contain at least two active levels, and you may add any number of levels for each style.

For more information see The Symbol Tab.

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