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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Project Options >
       Web Update Options Tab           

Web Update Options Tab

Select the Web Update Options tab on the Tools > Options > General Options dialog. The options on this tab control the operation of the Web Update feature of Designer.



To enable Web Updates, the Web Update facility must be installed on your machine. You can install Web Update as an option to Designer when it is installed.


• Select the desired update frequency from the Automatically check for updates every pulldown list. The choices are Never, 30 days, 120 days, and 180 days. By default, automatic Web updates are turned off.

• You will be prompted before an update. The date of the prompt is recorded as the Last update attempt date.

• The Last update date shows the last time Designer was updated.


When all information on the Web Update Options tab is as desired, select another tab or click OK to put your options into effect. You can also request a Web Update by selecting Launch WebUpdate from the Help pulldown menu on the Designer top menu bar. See Web Updates in the Designer Desktop topic.


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