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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Validating Projects       

Validating Projects

(Planar EM only)

Before you run an analysis on a model, it is very important that you first perform a validation check on the project. When you perform a validation check on a project, Designer runs a check on all the setup details of the active project to verify that all the necessary steps have been completed and their parameters are reasonable.


To perform a validation check on the active project:

1. On the Planar EM menu, click Validation Check.

Designer checks the project setup, and then the Validation Check window appears.

2. View the results of the validation check in the Validation Check window.

The following icons can appear next to an item:


Green Check Mark

Indicates the step is complete.

White-on-Red X-mark

Indicates the step is incomplete.

Black-on-Yellow Exlamation Mark

Indicates the step may require your attention.

3. View any messages in the Message Manager window.

4. If the validation check indicates that a step in your project is incomplete or incorrect, carefully review the setup details for that particular step and revise them as necessary.

5. On the Designer menu, click Validation Check to run a validation check after you have revised any setup details for an incomplete or incorrect project step.

6. Click Close.

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