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   Setting Options via Configuration Files >
       Setting or Removing Option Values in Configuration Files: UpdateRegistry Command           

Setting or Removing Option Values in Configuration Files: UpdateRegistry Command

A command line tool, UpdateRegistry, is available to modify option settings in the options config files. You can use this command to add, change or remove settings from any of the option config files. This tool is included in the installation directory of each product.

This feature is intended to make it easier for different users to use Ansoft tools installed on shared directories or network drives.

The UpdateRegistry command has two command line formats as shown below. The first format is used to set or change an option value. The second format is used to delete an option setting.

UpdateRegistry -Set Command

This command is used to add or modify an option setting in an option config file. If the option config file does not exist, it will be created. If the setting does not exist in the specified config file, it will be added. If the setting already exists in the specified config file, then the value will be changed to the specified value.


UpdateRegistry -Set -ProductName <name> _
-RegistryKey <keyPath> _
-RegistryValue <value> [ -RegistryLevel <level> _

Required. The application or product name and version, as described above. Examples: Designer14.0, Maxwell15.0, or "Maxwell Circuit Editor15.0". If the name contains spaces, it must be quoted.


Required. The pathname of the option setting. Example:



Required. The new value of the option, typically a string or a number. If the value contains spaces, it must be quoted.


Optional. A string denoting which config file to modify. One of: install, install_machine, user and user_machine. If the level is not specified, then the user_machine (host dependent user options) file is modified.

UpdateRegistry -Delete Command

This command is used to remove an option setting from an option config file. If the setting does not exist in the specified config file, the file will not be changed. If the setting exists in the specified config file, then it will be removed. A setting may need to be removed from an option config file, to allow the setting from a lower priority file to be used by the application.


UpdateRegistry -Delete -ProductName <name> _
-RegistryKey <keyPath> _
[ -RegistryLevel <level> ]


Required. The application or product name and version, as described above. Examples: Designer14.0, Maxwell15.0, or "Maxwell Circuit Editor15.0". If the name contains spaces, it must be quoted.


Required. The pathname of the option setting. Example:



Optional. A string denoting which option config file to modify. One of: install, install_machine, user and user_machine. If the level is not specified, then the user_machine (host dependent user options) file is modified.

Related Topics

Setting Options via Configuration Files

Example Uses for Export Options Features

User Options and the Update Registry Tool

Batchoptions Command Line Examples

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