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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Project Options >
       Miscellaneous Options Tab           

Miscellaneous Options Tab

Select Tools > Options > General Options > Miscellaneous Options to display the following options.



• Show Message Window on New Messages specifies that the message window is automatically reopened if a message arrives after the message window has been closed.

• Ensure that new messages are visible in the Message Window Tree specifies that the size of the message window is expanded as needed when messages are displayed.

• Show Progress Window When Starting a Simulation specifies that the progress window is reopened if a message arrives after the progress window has been closed.

• Update reports on file open specifies that reports be automatically updated whenever a new or existing file is opened for viewing/editing.


Project Tree Visualization Options

• Selecting the Emphasize active command context check box causes the label of the selected Project Tree element that is active (i.e., has focus) to be rendered in bold text.

• Selecting the Change icon when selection does not match active window check box causes a small window-shaped overlay icon to display in the corner of the selected Project Tree element. This overlay icon is changed only when the data in the active window is unrelated to the selected project item. (Data is considered related when they affect the same model.) Clicking the icon will open the window and bring it into focus (on top).


Report Update Options For Design Type

• Design Type selects the design type for report updates. Available types are Nexxim Circuit, Nexxim Netlist, Planar EM, and System.

• Dynamically update reports during edits controls the version of solution data to be reported. A field is available to specify the design type.

Designer solution data is versioned. You might have solution data for a particular state of the design, then edit the design and re-simulate. Solution data is now available for both states of the design. Suppose the following sequence occurs:

— You simulate and create a report. The report displays the current solution data (state 1).

— You edit the design. The report is marked ‘Invalid’ (a large “X” appears in the upper right corner of the report window and on the report icon in the Results section of the Project tree).

— You rerun the simulation. The report is updated with the latest solution data (state 2), and the report is marked as valid (the “X” disappears).

— Now you click Undo. Designer still has the ‘old’ solution data (state 1). If the option Dynamically update reports during edits is off, the State 2 report data becomes invalid again. If Dynamically update reports during edits is on, Designer reloads the now valid state 1 solution data into the plot and marks it valid.

— Upon Redo, the result again depends on the setting of the Dynamically update reports during edits option. If the option is off, the report becomes valid again (the state 1 data was not reloaded by the Undo operation, so the report is still displaying state 2). If the option is on, the state 2 data is reloaded dynamically and plot is also valid.



• Computing animated plots requires significant memory which depends upon the complexity of the plot type. The animation setting is used to prevent problems related to low memory should an animation require large memory allocation. The entry field allows you to specify the amount of memory (in Megabytes) to preserve when computing animation frames. Animation frame computation stops when the memory limit is reached.


ANSYS Workbench Application

• The ANSYS Workbench Application Path lets you specify a path to an ANSYS installation, if you have one. This path can be used by the Optimetrics feature for connecting to the Design Xplorer.


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