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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Referencing External Files from the Schematic Editor >
       Library Files in Nexxim Netlists           

Library Files in Nexxim Netlists

Library files contain one or more blocks of netlist statements. Each block in the library file has the format:

.LIB block_name



The library file block can contain any valid netlist statements. LIB blocks are processed after all of the other statements in the netlist have been processed, and the order of execution of LIB block statements cannot be predetermined.

To read and process in the statements from a library file block, the netlist uses a library call:

.LIB file_reference block_name

The rules for file_reference are the ones given in the module on File References.

A .LIB block in a given library file can contain calls to blocks in the same library file or in other library files, but a .LIB block may not call a block with its own block name in its own file (that is, a .LIB block cannot call itself).

See Nexxim Netlist Format for details on this file type.

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