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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Setting Options via Configuration Files >
       Example Uses for Export Options Features >
           Example for Setting a Host Dependent Default Value               

Example for Setting a Host Dependent Default Value

For this example, we assume that all hosts have two cores, except for three hosts, bighost1, bighost2, and bighost3, that have eight cores each. Because most hosts have two cores, the administrator has set the Designer/Preferences/NumberOfProcessorsDistributed option value to 2 in the installation default config file, as described above. The administrator may then set the Designer/Preferences/NumberOfProcessorsDistributed option value to 8 in the host dependent default config files for the three hosts having 8 cores, bighost1, bighost2 and bighost3. The user may login to host bighost1, and run the following command to change this setting for the host dependent default options config file for host bighost1 on Designer 14.0:

UpdateRegistry -Set -ProductName Designer14.0 _
-RegistryKey Designer/Preferences/NumberOfProcessorsDistributed _
-RegistryValue 8 _
-RegistryLevel install_machine

To make this change for the other two hosts, the adminstrator would login to bighost2 and bighost3, in turn, and run the same command on each of those hosts.

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