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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Project Options >
       Component Options Tab           

Component Options Tab

Select the Component Options tab in the Tools > Options > General Options dialog, and it displays the following options.


Use Extractor Mode

When the option is OFF (unselected):

• Inserting a new dynamic link component will start the application in GUI mode.

• Simulation will start the application in GUI mode.

• If Designer is in GUI mode (Designer was started first in stand-alone mode, or the user clicked on Edit Project) Designer will continue to use GUI mode until the user closes Designer. Designer then reverts back to the Use extrator mode option selection.

• If Designer is in extraction mode, the only way to switch to a GUI mode is to use Edit Project or close the Designer application.

When the option is ON (selected):

• Inserting a new dynamic link component will start the application in extractor mode.

• Simulation will start the application in extractor mode.

• If you click on Edit Project in the dynamic link dialog, Designer will switch to GUI mode by closing the application and then re-opening it.


Run Affected Property Callbacks

When the option is OFF (unselected):

• No associated callback scripts are invoked.

When the option is ON (selected):

• If you change a variable (project or design), any component property that is affected will invoke its associated callback script.

For example, as displayed in the following figure, if a capacitor has a callback script assigned to one of its parameters, C, and that parameter is defined by the sum of the variables (C1, C2, C3, $proj1), then when the value of any of those variables is changed, the C parameter will automatically invoke its assigned callback script (HelloWorld).

This applies to indirect variable changes as well. For example, if C2 = xx, and xx changes, the callback will run. Note, however, that if the Run Affected Property Callbacks checkbox is not checked, the callback will not run unless the C property value is changed directly (e.g. a change from “C= C1+C2+C3+$proj1” to “C = 2pF” will run the callback).

Component Tree Options

• Show Favorites specifies that a list of favorites, in the form of an expandable tree, is displayed in the Project Component Tab window.

• Show Most Recently Used specifies that a list of the components you have most-recently used is displayed in the project window.

• Most Recently Used List Contains specifies the number of recently-used components to display.

• Show All Components specifies that all components from all configured libraries are to be displayed, regardless of product specificity.



For security reasons, encrypted components are not saved in the Most Recently Used list or the Favorites list.


Search Options

• Set specifies the type of data to search in. All components searches through the entire list of available components. Current list only searches through just the components that are currently part of the design. Append to current list searches through the entire list of available components, and adds any components found to the list of Project Components in the Components tab of the Project window.

• Search Field specifies the field to search.


When all information on the Component Chooser Options tab is as desired, select another tab or click OK to put your options into effect.

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