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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Using the Estimate Module   

Using the Estimate Module

To access the Estimate module, click Estimate on the EM Design menu. Use the Estimate module to estimate parameters related to the following:

• Microstrip line

• Quarter-wave transformer

• Tuning stub

• Rectangular patch

• Circularly polarized (CP) patch


The menus in the Estimate module have the following functions:



Estimates transmission-line quantities such as the characteristic impedance of a line, the line width corresponding to a characteristic impedance, the guided wavelength and the effective relative permittivity of a microstrip line or stripline, and the losses associated with a line.

Impedance Match

Estimates the dimensions of a quarter-wave section to match a load impedance to an input impedance. Also estimates the location and dimension of a tuning stub for matching an input impedance to a complex load impedance.

Printed Antennas

Estimates the dimensions of patch antennas.

Microwave Calculator

Converts between the mismatch loss, the reflection coefficient, the return loss, and the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR). Also converts between dB and the ratio for both power and voltage values.


Sets the current working units.



The topics for this section include:

Estimating Transmission Line Quantities

Estimating Matches Between Impedances

Estimating Dimensions of Printed Antennas

Using the Microwave Calculator


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