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HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Setting Up Excitations >
   Renormalizing S-Matrices       

Renormalizing S-Matrices

To renormalize an S-matrix to a specific port impedance:

1. Double-click the port in the project tree that you want to renormalize.

The Edge Port Definition dialog box appears.

2. Ensure that Post Process Port is selected (default).

3. The default impedance for re-normalization of each port is 50 ohms. Type the new impedance in the Renormalize text box.

• If the impedance is a complex quantity, type the real part of the impedance to the left of a plus sign (+) and the imaginary part of the impedance followed by i to the right of the plus sign. For example, type 50 + 10i.

4. Click OK to renormalize the port to the new impedance.


You do not need to re-run a simulation in order to renormalize a port. The 2D Reporter automatically updates its reports to reflect the renormalized S-matrix.



Renormalization is ignored if it is set to zero, but de-embedding is still honored. The following warning message is produced for all ports with a zero post-processing renormalization impedance: Zero impedance on port '<arg1>' is ignored; renormalization will by skipped for this port.


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Renormalized S-Matrices

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